Returns the total (i.e. toll + spread) fees for an amount.
Returns contract configuration.
Returns the owner of the contract.
Returns the amount for a trade of input with a given size.
Returns the average price for a trade of a given size.
Returns input twap price of the vAMM, using the reserve snapshots, default 15 minutes interval.
Returns bool to show is fluctuation limit has been exceeded.
Returns bool to show is spread limit has been exceeded.
Returns the amount for a trade of output with a given size.
Returns output twap price of the vAMM, using the reserve snapshots, default 15 minutes interval.
Returns spot price of the vAMM.
Returns contract state, including liquidity etc.
Return twap price of the vAMM, using the reserve snapshots.
Returns latest price from PriceFeed contract.
Returns a twap price from PriceFeed contract.
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Returns the total (i.e. toll + spread) fees for an amount.